Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Old Age 190410

      It seems to me that there are manuals for almost everything these days.

      There are manuals for cars, computers, TV sets, cooking, language, syntax, money management, child care, math, physics, but where are the manuals for old age? Perhaps no one has written a manual for old age because we only get old one time, so why write a manual for that?
      I used all of the manuals listed above during my life and some multiple times. Not all people need those manuals above, but it seems everyone could use an old age manual at some point. When we die the young ones will just toss the manual, thinking they are never going to get old and actually need it.
       My parents and Joyce's parents didn't talk much about old age, so we have no good reference. Primary doctors don't say much about aging, except for "well you are not going to be able to do everything you once did." That's not much help. They just don't have enough time to sit and talk much about those issues that have become important to our situation today. I could write a manual, but I only have my own experience to use so there's no broad range of information to put in the manual.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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