Friday, April 12, 2019

The Day They Landed 190412

      Fantasy maybe, it could soon be reality.

      The saucers came down across the world just when people were getting out of their cars to go to work. Everyone saw them landing across the globe. The hair on their necks stood tall and heart-rates increased. This was serious and frightening at the same time. The saucers opened their doors and the robots came down the ramps ready for action. The invasion had begun and panic spread across the airwaves of the world on radio and television.
      This was it! Governments around the world could no longer deny the existence of UFO's; they were here in force and the invaders were out of the ships. The robots weapons were blazing and people were already dying.
      People found God in a hurry. Suddenly churches around the world were filled with people who rarely went there to pray.
      The military services mobilized to defend the populations, but robots were not as easy to kill as mere humans. Their armor plated bodies deflected bullets right and left. Planes in the skies above could not outfight or even catch the saucers that continued to land across the globe.
      Ships at sea fell victim to weapons never yet encountered before. The saucers swept down on them at speeds their radar operators could not keep up with. Many came in at sea level, limiting radar coverage to just about 12 miles due to the curvature of the earth. They were coming in at 3500 knots an hour, leaving no time for ships to call general quarters. The laser weapons on the saucers were blasting holes in ships faster than damage control crews could patch. The fleets of the world were sinking fast.
      Everything was out of control; panic ensued everywhere across the globe. Mothers weeped, men fell into despair. The governments of the world declared martial law in the highest degree in their respective lands. No one complained. After all, this was life and death and someone had to have absolute control of the situation without interference from a congress, a parliament or a diet assembly.
      The governments took control with no hindrances and as quick as the saucers and the slaughter began, the saucers started to leave with the invading robots. The populations of the world breathed a sigh of relief, hoping things would soon return to normal, but it never did. The presidents, prime-ministers and despots of the world would not allow things to return to the old ways of government. They had tasted the absolute power and the addiction that followed was too strong to walk away from.
      Later the word spread across the world that those involved in the one-world conspiracy and the governments who enjoyed the idea had used black operations to develop those saucers and their invincible weapons to scare the populations and then take control. It was too late for people to use their vote to regain control of the governments of the world. Now the one-world conspirators controlled them and there was no going back.
      The End, or is it? This story may sound like pure fantasy to some, but the one-world group has been meeting and planning for decades now. Our own DARPA has been developing seemingly impossible weapons for 60 years now. Once they are available, how can a despot not want to use them to gain complete control?

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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