Friday, April 19, 2019

It happened a while ago part 2

      I arose the next afternoon and after coffee I grabbed a beer and one for Joyce. She asked how the night went and did I see anything to solve the mystery? I relayed that I did have an interesting night. Joyce then asked what happened? I suggested we go out on the front porch and I could fill her in on what happened. I turned the stereo on and opened the window and then grabbed my six pack cooler full of beer to join Joyce on the front porch. We cracked open another beer and listened to the music. Joyce let it go for a while and did not ask again, thinking I would get around to answering her question later in the day. She knows when I have something to say, but I have to mull it over before I speak.

      The picture below is the closest picture I could fined to the creature we met. The creature did not have a smile and had a smaller mouth.

      I waited until we had enough beer in us before I started to tell Joyce what might be coming that night. She finally asked if I was going to tell her what she wanted to know? That is when I began to unravel the events of last night. Joyce sat there throughout the story and then asked me if what I told her actually happened? I looked directly at her and said yes it was all true just as I stated it. She got real quiet as she replayed the story in her mind, weighing the validity of the revelation. She finally asked, so we are going to see this being tonight? I replied that I hoped so. Joyce sat there without talking for several minutes, pondering just what the night might entail. We sat there in silence finishing the six pack. Joyce then said we should have a couple more beers and then crank up the coffee pot before the being arrived so we would be ready for the visit overnight. By the time we finished the beer it was well after dark. The crickets were chattering as we sat there in the night. Neither of us were hungry, the excitement of what might happen next dulled our appetites.
      We sat there on the porch drinking coffee and waiting for the arrival of our guest. Joyce was pretty nervous with the idea of it being able to read our thoughts. She wondered out loud how she could control her thoughts so as to not offend our guest. I told her not to worry about it, this being seemed to be used to the strange thoughts it could read from those others it had encountered before. What do you mean before? She asked. Well we are not the first it has contacted, I answered. That seemed to ease her mind.
      Long about 11 PM the being came strolling around the corner of the house and approached the front porch. Joyce's eyes widened as she saw it. The being reassured her that this was a friendly visit. Joyce looked at me with a stunned expression and I just shook my head yes. She had never experienced telepathic communication, while I was an old salt having had it the night before. I went out to hook up the battery charger while they sat on the front porch. I don't know what was communicated while I was gone, but Joyce seemed calm and enjoying the company. The only issue was that the being had some difficulty sorting out whose thoughts it was getting at the same time. Its only experience was one on one with humans prior to that night. We communicated throughout the night until just before dawn. The topics were varied based on whatever came into our minds.
      Just before dawn our guest left and said it had further studies to complete and would not likely return to us. We had assurance that its breed of aliens were benign and meant no harm to humans, while other visitors were not so and we should be concerned if any other creatures show up on our doorstep. Nothing has happened so far and now that we are in a town I doubt we will have any other visitors as so far they seem to avoid direct contact with humans in an area where huge crowds might appear.
      The End, or is it?
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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