Saturday, April 20, 2019

T-shirts 190419

      These days everyone seems to wear T-shirts with writing on them in the summer time.

      I have had t-shirts and ball caps before with writing on them. They were all given to me. I had one with a Ben Franklin quote that said "beer is proof that God loves us." A Christmas shirt that had little led lights on it. I had one that had an army airborne insignia on it. And one that had a navy insignia with the words "We rule the seas." Another t-shirt I had was from the U-2 airplane program and people would ask if I had been in the army or air force U-2 program. I found that people would see me in the grocery store, or on the street, stare to read the shirt or cap and then start talking to me about them. At that time I was not inclined to speak with strangers.
      Now I think differently and have even ordered a cap with a USS Kitty Hawk insignia on it. I figure with that, at least people will ask about something I can speak freely about with some degree of knowledge. I also ordered a navy t-shirt (it was on sale) which is another thing I can speak of with experience. Perhaps now no one will ask, I will not know until I get them and wear them.
      These days some of the schools do not allow kids to wear t-shirts with somewhat controversial writing on them, while adults seem to wear shirts with whatever they want on them. I am wondering about the judgement of some people with the shirts they wear, but after all it is a free country, so everyone of us can wear a shirt that puts our intelligence quotient on full display. That said I have no problem with motorcycle enthusiast's shirts, or military shirts (obviously) or a lot of other shirts. I suppose of course that everyone has a different view on things like this and those views are correct in those individuals minds, whether or not that agrees with my views.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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