Thursday, April 18, 2019

It happened a while ago part 1

      I hadn't shared this before, fearing potential retribution.

      There was a period of time on the farm when the battery in the truck, both cars, the tractor and the riding lawn mower were all drained of energy. I couldn't figure out what was going on. The events were totally illogical. Everything would be fine with the vehicles all starting well one day and the next day they were all dead. I had to go to town and buy a new battery charger to get things jump-started. Everything would then start and charge up as normal, and then the next morning nothing would crank and start. I had put the new battery charger in my basement after using it to jump all the vehicles and decided to sleep that afternoon and then go out to the barn right after dark and spend the night waiting to see what might be going on through the night. I took a seat on the tractor and waited. The barn was very different at night. I had hay in there and grain for the chickens and sheep. The moon happened to be full so there was a half decent amount of light coming in. I could hear and see the mice and rats scurrying around trying to get to the grain and with so many in the barn I knew there would be snakes looking for a meal. On the farm, we were far enough away from any other homes so at night it was easy to hear a pin drop.
      Long about 3 AM I was yawning and getting sleepy and was just about to call it a night when I heard a strange sound that reminded me of a toy top I had as a child. When the top would get spinning at full speed there was a whirring sound that came from it. The sound I heard was not as high-pitched, but was similar. I stepped down from the tractor and the noise was enough to spook the mice so I could hear them heading for a safer place. I got as far as the open doorway and peered out to see what was going on out there. There was a circular craft with the center stationary, but the circumference spinning. The craft settled perhaps 5 feet above the ground and 30 feet behind the barn in an open pasture. 4 struts emerged from under the craft and then the craft set down on the ground.
      For a moment, I thought I might be having a dream and then a ramp emerged from the ship. Next a rather short gray looking creature came walking down the ramp. My mind flashed and I thought, why did you not bring the shotgun with you? The creature walked right strait for the barn. Standing there, I was not really frozen in stature, but my brain lit up with more jumbled thoughts and questions than ever before. The creature was just about 8 feet from me when it (male, female, I didn't know) recognized my presence. My mind cleared and I could understand a message from it, though it was not spoken out loud, but more a telepathic influence. It went on the communicate that it meant no harm. I thought to myself, then way are you here? The response was quick, the creature was having trouble with the starting capacitor on-board its ship and it was here to get the direct current from my vehicle batteries to charge its starting capacitor so it could continue its mission.
      My next thought was why here, why me? It answered that the problem started on its first landing here on my property. There is some unusual magnetic field in this particular spot, that field aberration has drained the ships starting capacitor. My thought, so why have you come back several times? Its reply was that its mission is to study humans in secret to analyze how we think, act and determine how receptive we might be to other beings arriving here. Further, it said on its first stop here that telepathically it could scan my mind as I slept and decided that my being average I was a good study. My thought, you were in my bedroom at night? Its answer, not in a creepy way, just scientific study. Me again, how did you get in the house? Its reply, your door wasn't locked so I just walked in and went to work and by the end of the night I needed to recharge my capacitor so I could launch the ship to get to somewhere and hide out during the day. I apologize for any harm I did to your energy sources but you should understand I had to do it.
      Okay I thought, tomorrow night when you land I will come out with my battery charger and use it to keep your capacitor charged so when you need to leave before morning you won't need to use my batteries, besides we can sit and converse and it will be nice for Joyce to meet you and not be thinking that I am wacky with my beliefs on saucers and space aliens. I went into the basement and got the charger out, recharged the ship's capacitor, the creature took off just before dawn's early light and I went to bed for the day.
      This is the end of part 1.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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