Thursday, April 25, 2019

People together in spirit 190425

      This picture is my family still growing in the fifties. We were pretty close back then. In those days families were in general pretty close, not only in spirit, but living in close proximity. Once family members began to move away, they also drew further apart. The picture has from left to right father, mother, me, brother Tom and sister Grace is on mom's lap.

      I mentioned mom's thoughts that "birds of a feather flock together" a few days ago. I was thinking today that if I look around at those I associate with and see what I consider their faults; I begin to see my faults. If I see no fault in them; then perhaps we are both pretty good or perhaps pretty bad in other people's eyes. Only a lotus blossom can float in a muddy pond and still be pure white with no mud on it.
      I do not mean to imply that I or anyone else is perfect as we are all far from that. We all try to be the best we can.
      Church goers gather together and try to do the right thing in their lives. Criminals also come together with other criminals. Average/above average people congregate. Wealthy people do too. It is just the human nature of things. That makes sense to me. Some families remain close, while others do not. I can certainly understand that too. Once dad died, our family drifted further apart. Dad was the glue that held us together.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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