Sunday, March 10, 2019

Women 190310

      This post should have been written Friday, International Women's Day, but Joyce can tell you that I am always late on everything. The first picture is Joyce not long after we were married.

      The second is Joyce just a year ago, before her hair grew back. I had to shave the rest of her head after the EEG test shaved about 8 or 9 patches on her head. I can't help loving her more today than each day before.

      Women are the most beautiful creatures.
      That does not depend on physical features.
      Looks fade, agility goes away.
      A kind heart continues to beat the same way.
      A woman makes life a wonderful thing.
      She warms her partner with the kindness she can bring.
      Women are as strong in heart as a human can be.
      Love them or not, they always leave a memory.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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