Monday, March 11, 2019


      I just found out today that I am bathetic, not I hope pathetic.

      It turns out according to Merriam Webster's word of the day, (most of the words I will never use, but I enjoy them) bathetic means characterized by sentimentalism. I confess that I am just that, always have been and hopefully always will be so.
      The picture above has a beautiful caption with it. The caption is true as true can be. As old as I am, the quote seems connect to me. Kissing my bride after 55 years together still takes me back to when we were oh so very young. The old folks said it wouldn't last, but then they were wrong. Here is a song that I love and I think it exemplifies sentimentality and makes me think of Joyce and me. I am such a lucky man to have her in my life.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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