Sunday, March 10, 2019

Paths on the farm #5

      This is the last one about paths on the farm. This picture was taken with a zoom lens, but was visible from the back fence.

      I must admit these wild Black-eyed Susans were always one of my favorites. They never grew where I wanted them to; they were always happy where they chose to be and never where I wanted them to grow, though I planted them many times.
      I can't remember where this path was; I guess I have been gone too long. All I remember is I made it.
      This looks like a path I made heading for home, but I can't remember it either. It is two mower swaths but beyond that I can't say.
      Ah this one was on the north side where things were thicker than the rest of the place.
      This was a Mulberry that I hacked down to the ground for years when the place was all pasture. Once I quit doing that it came up with a fervor and produced a lot of wonderful berries that the deer liked. It was within sight of the house. The deer ate all the wild blackberries. It is difficult to ever remove mulberry trees once they get started and blackberries are also difficult to eradicate too, but I never tried to do so in the woods.
      Memories of the farm are fading faster than I would like, but that is life. Some memories never leave me, others fade too soon. I had a lot of hard work on the farm, a lot of good times and a lot of not so good ones. Nothing is perfect in this life, maybe next time.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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