Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Veterans 190306

      Veterans, we see them every day and sometimes we don't even know an old-timer is a veteran. For a while it was popular to greet them and say, "Thanks for your service." I always look for some kind of ball cap with a logo from some service and when I see one I make a point of thanking him or her for their service to our country.

      These guys signed a blank check for uncle Sam to do whatever job he gave them up to and including, giving up their lives. If you are not a veteran, I hope you can appreciate what those guys have done so you can live free and enjoy a full life that tens of thousands lost their lives to ensure that you have the safety and comfort you have today. All veterans are not old men, many who died were quite young, not old enough to vote or have a cold brew in a tavern. Those survivors from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan aren't as old as you may be. Many Vietnam vets came home to jeers, obscene treatment and were even spat upon. Something that breaks my heart even today as I write this.
      Lest we forget and we never should.
      Bless them all, the long, the short and the tall.
      I hope I never do!

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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