Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Pictures of Shaw's garden in Saint Louis 190305

      This post is to show anyone who goes to Saint Louis in the late spring or summer an attraction that is inexpensive and well worth the time to see it. There is more to Saint Louis than Cardinal baseball and shopping. There is far more to see than what I have pictured here. The Jewel Box there is a domed year around greenhouse with hundreds of tropical plants. Saint Louis also has the art museum, the Jefferson memorial and Forest Park science center. This below is a picture of the Japanese garden there.

      This is the lake in the Japanese garden.

      This is just one of the many walking paths to see.

      I don't remember where this waterfall was in the garden, despite many trips there.

      This path has a redbud tree in the background so it must have been spring.

      Joyce and grandma Mickey takiing a little rest.

      Dogwood tree, so this was another early spring picture.

      This is an Asian bridge in the garden. There was a Koi pond under it.

      This was Shaw's home on the grounds. I forget what the stipend was to go inside, but it was well worth the price.

      This is the maize outside the Shaw home.

      This stream is in the woodland garden which was my favorite place to be when I was there.

      Spring tulips in abundance!

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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