Thursday, March 21, 2019

Uncle Billy's younger days 190321


      Uncle Billy was just barely 16 when grandpa Billy took him car shopping. Uncle Billy found an old Ford with a flat head V-8. Grandpa Billy loaned uncle Billy the money to buy the car and then found Billy a job to pay grandpa back. The job was pumping gas in a rather bad part of town.
      One evening the owner of the gas station had to leave early, but he was a strict adherent to his business hours, so uncle Billy was left there alone for the first time. Billy had gotten used to the people in the neighborhood and with gas selling for 20 cents a gallon and most of the neighborhood rarely buying more than 3 or 4 gallons at a time there was little worry about being robbed, especially since the owner had an arrangement with the local policemen. The clock ticked away and Billy turned out the lights, shut off the pumps, locked the door and headed home.
      Grandpa Billy's old Chevy had quit running, so he being the lien-holder on uncle Billy's Ford, he confiscated uncle Billy's car until his car was repaired. After closing the gas station Billy headed for home on foot. Home was close to 4 miles away and after closing the station late and having to walk home, uncle Billy knew his mother would have no supper waiting for him. When she finished the cooking and the cleaning after supper the rule was anyone entering the kitchen before next breakfast did so at his peril. There was a hamburger joint half way home so uncle Billy decided to stop in and grab one for supper. Now back in those days there were no chain style hamburger places. A person had to go into the place have a waitress take the order and only then did the burger first hit the grill, so there was a wait for the order. Uncle Billy savored his burger left a tip on the counter for the waitress and headed to the cashier to pay for his meal. He was there standing behind a rather cute 14 year-old and her mother, a very attractive let's say mature woman. The cashier took the bill from the woman and her daughter and said be careful heading home in this neighborhood; you should have someone walking with you this late at night. Now uncle Billy happened to recognize the daughter and knew she was living in a little rent house just doors away from his own home. Uncle Billy chimed in and said he would be happy to walk with them.
      They introduced themselves; the daughter was Alice and the mother was Barbara Ann. Uncle Billy was happy to have company and such delightful company at that. He walked closely beside Alice and they had the usual chit-chat between two youngsters first meeting. Barbara Ann was a very attractive woman and also quite flirty. Billy started spending a lot of time after that at their home. Alice was a friendly young woman and she and Billy were soon out walking, talking and kissing and a bit more. Her father was a big brute, nice until he started whiskey drinking. Barbara Ann became even more flirty as time went by. One Saturday night uncle Billy went over to see Alice, but Alice was gone a few blocks away on a babysitting job. Uncle Billy knocked on the door and was welcomed into the home. Barbara Ann wrapped her arms around uncle Billy and pressed her ample breasts firmly against him. She told him how much she liked him and that she was happy that he was dating her daughter. Barbara Ann had a heavy scent of alcohol on her breath and between her kissing him, he could see the big brute passed out on the living room couch. Uncle Billy's 16 year-old hormones kicked in in a big way! Here was the greatest opportunity of his young life. He had the chance to transcend from a boy to a man within his grasp. He also faced the chance of being beaten to a bloody pulp by the brute passed out on the couch, should he awaken during transitional process that was within uncle Billy's grasp at the moment.
      I heard uncle Billy's story and I immediately had to ask, so what happened? Uncle Billy's eyebrows lifted; a slight smirk appeared on his face, but no reply came from his lips. I am still waiting for an answer and now I imagine you are wondering about that too.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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