Friday, March 22, 2019

Dreams 190322

      I keep having these same dreams night after night.

      The dreams involve me going back to the old farm in my 1967 VW Beetle and parking it just off the road and then going back into the house.
      I bought a 1967 Beetle in Escondido, California in 1979. It was a great car and I loved it more than any other I have ever owned. The 4 speed gearbox was velvety smooth, the car ran like a top and we had it for a long time until Joyce was in front of the house, turning into our driveway and the car was rear-ended by a distracted driver. We kept the car for for a year or two after it was repaired, but it was never the same after that. The car had 74,000 miles on the odometer when I bought it, but later I looked under into the engine compartment and saw an oil change sticker that read 134,000 miles on the last oil change, but it still ran beautifully.
      I can only assume the dreams are there because the farm and the VW were 2 of the best times in my life. I would still be on the farm if I had the energy to keep up with all of its needs, but I could no longer do it. I could no longer find another 67 Beetle and the new ones are nothing like the old ones.
      I am happy with the recent dreams because they remind me of my happy times when many of my other dreams are fitful and usually no good at all. The best dreams I ever had were when I was a child and in those dreams I always found loose change on the sidewalk and I could fly.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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