Wednesday, March 20, 2019

House buying at 40 mph 190320

      I know this title sounds impossible, but read on and see.

      We were living for two years in Ash Grove proper and in 1989 Joyce was selling real estate with a broker there. It was just the two of them in the office so they talked a lot. My intent was to buy a farm there, but at the time in 1987 there were few available that were far enough out of Springfield, but close enough to get there for work. The broker knew what we were looking for and one day the broker told Joyce she knew of a place that was ready to hit the market. The broker and Joyce hopped into the car and drove out there to take a quick look at the place. They drove past the place at 40 mph and Joyce said, "that's it, we'll take it."
      Oddly enough it was one of the places I wanted to buy 2 years earlier when I was back in the area looking for a farm. I was there just 2 weeks late and it had been sold. Joyce came home and told me about the farm and we arranged to go have our first look inside the house the following Saturday. I had been looking around on my own for those first 2 years in Ash Grove so when this hit me all of a sudden; I was a bit hesitant that Saturday. We went home and talked about it and then wrote an offer. I knew the farm had sold just those 2 years earlier, but now it was several thousand dollars higher. The broker explained that the then owner was a plumber and contractor and he had done a lot of work in the house. He had removed all of the old galvanized plumbing and put in all new pvc pipes and had installed a brand now bath off the master bedroom and added the large deck on the back. The extra few thousand dollars were the cost of the materials he had bought plus others he bought and would leave for projects he never got to finish.
      It turned out well and we spent 27 years on that farm.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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