Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How close is the end?

      This piece is my thoughts on what may or will happen.

      The bible tells us the world was once destroyed by floods. Other religions also have the same story in their ancient history. I can accept that did happen. Researching prior to this writing showed some Christians believe the next destruction of the world will be by fire. If that is a correct assumption, I can see that happening. The fiery destruction may not come from the God above, but from any of the mad, power-hungry men at the head of governments in the world at this moment. The fire may well come in the form of nuclear war. World War Three could begin any day now. A single nuclear missile is all it would take to start the war, hundreds more would follow. Those nuclear bombs or missiles would be enough to destroy a huge number of human beings and the fallout would be enough to take out billions more. The nuclear winter created by multiple nuclear detonations would last years longer and would wipe out the rest of civilization.
      One might say that will never happen. I would hope so. That brings me to the more logical end of the world as we know it. 19 years ago the first warning came out about the danger of climate change. No one but the few voices crying out in the night believed it. Our own government called it "Junk Science" and many in our government still do today. It has become obvious in the last 5 years that climate change is real and we are rapidly approaching the tipping point where there is no return. Summers are hotter than ever before, winters are more harsh than before. Tornadoes and hurricanes are more devastating than before. The melting ice caps are raising sea levels around the world. Our government says this is not happening, but our military services know it is and they are taking steps to prepare. The navy is spending money to raise docks in our ports to accommodate ships. Our air force is panicking because many of their bases are only slightly above sea level now.
      Other than those two very possible events and a few other minor possibilities, we have little to worry about. Well a cyber war could destroy the world's financial system. I could be all wet with my thinking. Speaking of the wet, me throat's a dry crust; I think it's time for a bit of the wet (explanation: a beer).
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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