Friday, March 1, 2019

Another old car I loved 190301

      This car is the 51 Henry J Kaiser. Mine was like this although not restored as this one obviously has been done. Mine was ice cream white.

      I bought mine in the late spring of 1963 and paid a whopping $50 for it. Joyce didn't care for it, she said it looked like a baby whale. She did go out with me in it though, unlike my previous girl friend that wanted me to ditch my Studebaker. My beautiful 57 Mercury that looked like the picture below was not so good when it came to running down the road. The 2 speed automatic transmission liked to stick in the lower gear and sucked gas as fast as I could put it in. The engine overheated most of the time, so I needed something dependable. That is why I got the 51 Henry J.

                                                                         I sold the Henry J days before I enlisted in the navy for $100, the only time I sold a car for more than I paid for it.       

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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