Thursday, February 28, 2019

Something big happens in the future 190228

      This vision just came to me last night. This vision is wholly dependent on whether or not there is a nuclear war that destroys the planet prior to 2035. The picture here represents the fact that the future, the present and the past may all be happening at the same time.

      In the year 2035 time travel will become possible, if there is still life on earth. Soon after the Karma law is established. This law states that people whose acts harmed others in a serious way are brought into time machine courts and are put on trial and have to justify why they committed their heinous acts. Those convicted will be sent back in time to when they harmed the individual or individuals in question. They then have to make amends to the life that they harmed. They are required to stay in the past as long as the chain of calamity lasted until all the links are finally rectified. Some particularly heinous actors will die of old age before their debt is paid. A few may eventually make it back to the present and live the good life there.
      Right now, today, if we do reach 2035, there is a group of time travelers on a mission to save the future 2035 of this planet from nuclear destruction. This is not as simple as you might think. One event leads to another and sometimes a long series of events. This is a race against time and if the time travelers are not successful, this planet goes up like popcorn.
      My favorite quote, "you never know when you do an act, what the result will be; but with every deed, you sow a seed; the result of which you may never see." I do not know who penned that quote, but it has stayed in my memory for more than 30 years now. Perhaps that had something to do with last night's vision.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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