Sunday, February 17, 2019

TV commercials 190217

      There is a commercial on TV for a product to detect colon cancer early on.
      That may be a good thing, but my issue with it is this; those people who receive the kit are all so happy and smiling to get and use it. I don't know about you, but I can't imagine being overjoyed over having to go to the bathroom, drop a stool and then poke it with a stick and mail it off to some lab somewhere.
      Does this sound like something you would be all smiles over?
      If I am wrong, let me know.
      Another commercial (for a financial company) has a woman wanting ice from her "smart" refrigerator but the screen where she is pressing for ice to come out seems not to be working until she taps it several times. Then ice starts flying out of the fridge like a machine gun. She is frustrated, in shock, while the man (who has his financial company's site on the computer screen) is in a state of joy and while still looking at his computer he extends his glass up like a baseball outfielder's glove and catches the ice he needs in his glass.
      This one is funny to me because it seems like technology overkill to have a fridge that uses a click to get ice, can look inside the fridge so you can see what you may have forgotten to get at the grocery store and also some play music, do we not have enough noise making devices already?
      If I am wrong, let me know.
      And this one more commercial that is distressful to me. The concept is perhaps a good one. It is a "smart" mirror (yes it really exists). The purpose is it receives internet video (like the Peloton stationary bike) only this goes in your bedroom so you get exercise videos and get encouragement from the screen as you exercise. It is common knowledge that internet hackers can get into your computer web cam and watch you through them. Now if you are sitting in your kitchen using your computer, you probably don't care about that, but what if you have it in your bedroom?
If you see it, it sees you. If you forget to turn it off and you are exercising with your wife or girlfriend in your bedroom (let's say in a non conventional way and being naked) would you want that to end up on the internet?
      If I am wrong, let me know.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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