Saturday, February 16, 2019

Good Memories 190216

      I was never on this particular ship in the picture, but it shows the American flag flying high above this aircraft carrier and that is part of what this post is about.

      I remember when I was aboard any naval station in the morning and evening when the colors were raised or withdrawn the call to colors would sound and we would face the flag and salute. It gave me a sense of pride in my country. At sea the aircraft carriers I was aboard had our flag raised 24 hours a day, high above the island structure. That again was inspiring to look up and see it waving proudly in the wind, although in the gulf of Tonkin at night we didn't have any lights proclaiming our flag's presence there due to conditions during the Vietnam war going on at the time.
      Another memory came to me today while I looked at pictures from my past. The picture below is me standing in the courtyard of my aunt Mary's apartment in Glendale, California in 1958. You may not see me well there, but I am standing under the tree in a white T shirt. I always thought those were the prettiest little apartments I have ever seen.
      Memories are what sustains me. I have had good times and bad but both are what made me who I am today. To those of you who are stored in my memory bank, I thank you for being a part of my life.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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