Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Noisy around here 190212

      It sounds like a woodpecker's convention here today.

      Right now the temperature is 31 degrees with 25 mph wind gusts. There is still ice on car windshields. There are crews of roofers on apartments nearby that are stripping tons of roofing shingles down to bare sheeting while the others are hammering shingles on the roofs as fast as they are cleared. The rat a tat tat of the hammers sounds like a hundred woodpeckers banging on tree trunks.
      Some of the roofs have had blue tarps on them since a big storm rolled through last summer. Other houses in the neighborhood have shingles stacked up on the peak of their roofs, waiting for roofers to install them. I always wonder how roofs stand with all the extra weight on them. One house we pass by had a new roof installed and two weeks later there were more tarps on it.
      Leaky roofs have plagued me a lot during my lifetime. The last roof Rhett and I put on the farm just about finished me off. One day it was so hot up there I was soaked with sweat and had burned my hands ripping shingles. By the time I headed for the ladder I was close to a heat stroke. I nearly went down the ladder in one giant step due to my being near to passing out. Later on that same job I discovered I had developed extreme vertigo and could hardly keep myself from going over the edge of the roof. So my roofing days are gone and I don't think I will ever miss them.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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