Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Nice Buns 190213

      Who doesn't admire nice buns?

      The smooth roundness with the slight lift makes them an enjoyable thing to see. When you touch them it's enough to make you tingle all over. You press against them and feel the firmness and you are ready and even stimulated over what you see and feel in your hands. You don't rush yourself; you savor the moment. It's not something you see and enjoy every day. You just want to dive into them, but you have to wait. You have to take your time and gently work with them. It would be wrong to just rip them apart.
      After all the cheese is not quite melted on the hamburger, so slice the buns gently to keep from tearing apart and remember to grab the sliced pickles out of the refrigerator.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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