Thursday, February 14, 2019

Oh no uncle Billy! 190214

      Uncle Billy made another mistake again.

      I got a call late one evening from uncle Billy. I thought when I heard his voice on the phone that it was late in the evening for him to be calling. He asked me, "can you come bail me out?"
      "Where are you?" I asked.
      "At the city jail" he replied."
      "OKay," I replied. I hung up the phone, picked up my car keys and headed out the door.
      I drove over to the jail and paid his bail. The officer brought him out and we left. I asked him where his truck was and he said, " I'll give you directions where to turn." Five minutes later I turned into a parking lot and saw his truck. It was outside an adult store.
      I had to ask why his truck was parked there. Here is what he said: "I heard the old witch next door yapping at my wife about how terrible it was having a place like that in our town. She said it was degrading, dehumanizing and just plain disgusting and it needed to be shut down and run them folks out a town. I didn't know what she was a blabbering about, so while I was over to tha gun store I thought I'd stop in there and see what she was a talk'in about. Well while I was a lookin around there and a seeing what was goin on, in comes the cops and they starts arres'tin everbudy. Turns out they was a runnin some sex operation outta there. Them cops wasn't a buyin me tellin them I was just a lookin around ta see what was there that was so bad. Turns out they's some stuff there I ain't never seen nohow. They wasn't a belivin me that I didn't know what was a goin on there. Now don't be a tell'in the wife I was there cause she won't be a belivin me either."
      I drove uncle Billy home and dropped him off. I never said a word, but when his wife found about it, he was right, she didn't believe a word of it.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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