Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Imagine 190219

      This picture is the closest thing I could find to what I will ask you below.

      Imagine a south seas tropical island. It is small, just a mile across and five miles long. It has beautiful white sand beaches all around it, except for a 100 foot wide coral reef that makes a glistening blue lagoon sheltered from ocean currents and those nasty sharks. The island is covered with coconut palm trees. There is one small rise to a sandy plateau that has a 360 degree view of the surrounding ocean. There is an elegant home tucked up close to the rising plateau and facing the the ocean and lagoon. There are jet skis and a motor whale boat and a sail boat there. There is a generator there for lighting the home and keeping the creature comforts running. There is a ferry boat service that comes once a week to bring all the food needed along with a repair person to take care of maintenance and a maid service. You can live there alone or with whomever you want to be there with you. There is no internet, no car, no movie show, no restaurants, no crowds, none of the things we live with here. Would you go there to live?
      Here are three questions below that I find very interesting.
      Imagine you knew that you could not fail at anything you wanted to do; what would you do or be?
      Imagine you had 100 million dollars in the bank; what would you do with it?
      Imagine you knew you had just six months to live; what would you do?
      The answers to these questions may tell you what kind of person you are. Give yourself a chance to really think about those answers. I am still considering my answers and maybe that has something to say about who I am.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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