Thursday, January 17, 2019

Shutdown 190118

       I try to avoid politics at all costs, but the current situation I feel has to be addressed.The current shutdown began at midnight on December 22 of 2018. Prior to the shutdown the president said he would be happy to enforce a shutdown and he would take the blame for it. Here is a video of him declaring that. I have no personal stake in the shutdown and what I write below are all proven facts.
      Now the shutdown is 28 days long and no end in sight. Meanwhile, federal workers and doing their duty without pay. Federal workers without pay are having to decide whether to pay rent, buy medicine or food. The 800,000 federal workers without pay causes a ripple effect on the communities they live in. Businesses there are without customers and they are losing money. Federal contractors are not getting paid. Farmers who have been hurt by the trade wars are in a bind, waiting for help promised by the government. The WIC program so many women rely on to feed their children is shut down. Babies need nourishment.
       There is a battle going on and it is not overseas. The victims are the American people. The republican house and senate voted to avoid the shutdown when they had full control of the house and senate. You have the right to make your conclusion on this. I am only presenting the facts that have been proved, not opinion.
      All I want is the federal workers to get paid and thereby put those who depend on their continued business back to work and feed babies that need nourishment.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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