Saturday, January 19, 2019

Smarter than me 190119

      Somehow the world has passed me by.

      We got smart phones, smart cars, smart appliances, smart computers and then there's me. I feel like a cave man who was frozen in ice and suddenly the ice melted and I came back to life, with everything and everyone smarter than me. I realize this has happened in a continuous and deliberate way not directly toward me, but I am affected by it none-the-less. Decades ago I thought I was on top of the world, now I know I am below it and I am not Atlas, so I cannot hold it up on my shoulders. I thought I knew all there was to know or at least all I needed to know back then.
       Today Google, Facebook, Netflix and many other things are beyond my comprehension. They have algorithms in their programs that seem to know all about me, yet I know nothing about them. I try to limit what I put on Facebook, yet they seem to know more than I want them to know about me. I used to write the code for my own web pages, using less than 30 lines of code and everything I wrote came out the way I wanted it to be. Now with Google, they use more than a thousand lines of code in my blog posts and I have trouble getting them to look the way I want them and I can't get things exactly the way I want.
      I think I need to call uncle Billy today and talk with him. He's an old man and as you know has made a lot of mistakes, but he does have a lot of experience and I love him. He always makes me feel better after talking with him.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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