Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Why? 181205

      We can now block a phone number and never get another call from that number. We can block things on Facebook. We can mark things on email as spam and never get anything from that sender. That is a good thing. Now what about junk mail? There is no way to block that. Some mail from credit card companies comes with my home address, an identifying pin number to open an account and an application with my name and address all filled in already. Now I have a locking mail box so someone would have a difficult time intercepting my mail, but I do not know how many times my mail is delivered to a wrong address. I am referring specifically here to Capital One, that even after 3 phone calls over 3 months to stop them from sending me any of their solicitations to me, the mail still keeps coming.
      Nearly every week my mailbox fills with junk mail and every week I have to have a paper shredding working party, with no pay for my work and no free beer for such a taxing job.
      This gives me an idea; I think I am going to send Capital One a bill for my services for shredding their trash and disposing it for them. I think $25 per each mailing I receive would be a fair amount for all the work it takes me to dispose of their mailings.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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