Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bad Christmas 181206

      Looking out my window snow and ice abounds
      I'm wondering how ole Santa will make his rounds
      My roof is covered in a sheet of ice
      Santa might slip, fall and not be so nice
      My stockings were hung by the chimney with care
      But with a spark from the fireplace, they were no longer there
      The lights on the tree went out last night
      I still can't get them working right
      Company ate all the cookies we had
      I worry ole Santa might get mad
      The ole elf might just get miffed
      That means I might just get stiffed
      The red suited fat man could pitch a fit
      And I would catch the worst of it
      If we have more ice,sleet and snow, why then
      Santa might not see our house and pass by again
      Now I know I wasn't a real good guy this year
      There was so much smoking, drinking and cheer
      I could promise to do better in the next 12 month session
      I could swear this time I learned my lesson
      I could try to say that with style and grace
      But I can't even say that and keep a straight face
      Tonight I'll stay up late with a watchful eye
      Just to see if ole Santa stops by
      I'll do my best to try and make my case
      But Santa will know I'm fibbing by the smile on my face
      He'll hold tight the presents in his pack
      I fear he just may never come back
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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