Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The November Election 181107

All the news that's fit to print.

 The elections are now behind us. Some good people won; some bad people won; it just depends on your particular political viewpoint. As for me, I have little faith in any of the candidates. In a few months time they will begin campaigning for the 2020 elections. The cycle will begin all over again. One thing that bothers me is whenever I had a job, I was expected to be there working every day. Why is it that politicians can go off vacationing or campaigning on a regular basis? In theory they work for we the people; in reality they work for themselves. When I worked and the boss wanted to talk to me I had to go to him/her and listen. With the town hall meetings politicians sometimes don't show or many times do not answer the questions we the people ask of them.

 Texas has always been a place with strong men and women with principles and has produced many wonderful leaders. That said, how could Texas have reelected Ted Cruz? The man has no principles, no guts and after the president saying Ted's father was in on the assassination of president Kennedy, called him "Lying Ted" and called his wife "a dog" and even questioned Ted's being American because of his Canadian birth. I would think that to any Texas man, those are fighting words. Then in the recent election cycle the president called Ted a wonderful man and they were embracing like two lovers on stage. What happened to Texas principles? How could they vote for a man who takes abuse of that nature and then acts like two star-crossed lovers on the stage? Texas has changed. If Ted had gone to fist city with the now president during those debates of 2016, as he should have done, I would have respect for him and I believe he would have won the recent election by a landslide instead of squeaking by a previously unknown candidate.
  As I predicted to my wife more than 2 months ago Jeff Sessions is out as of today. She did not believe me. Sometimes I can see into the future. The new attorney general for the moment is a presidential appointee without congressional approval and he may as I predicted try to shut down the special council investigation. Just as I predicted. Time will tell. I remember when I was in grade school geography and the teacher said that the country of Brazil had as many natural resources as the U.S. did, but because their government was so corrupt that the people were kept very poor. I remember how proud I was that our government was decent and honest so we had a general prosperity. Today I find our government (both parties) are beholding to big money that runs both sides of the aisle and picks the candidates that we get to vote for and either side we vote for is controlled by big dollars and we end up with corruption that has diminished the prosperity of the working class dramatically. This I do not have an answer for and it saddens me beyond anything I can say. My hope is that the youth of this country will change that. All change in the entire world, pick a country, it begins with the young people making changes for the better. It has been that way for all time and I hope it will continue.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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