Thursday, November 8, 2018

Veterans Day is soon upon us. 181111

      Veteran's Day and the fourth of July
      are times to remember days gone by
      I revel in their courage but wonder why
      so many good men had to die
      It matters not if a country is poor or rich
      there's always a conflict with some crazy son of a bitch
      In a poor country resistance is generally light
      but Americans can put up one hell of a fight
      Our weapons and men keep armies at bay
      to conquer America requires a different way
      Soften her up with easy money, cheep goods and greed
      so her deals are easy and for hard work there's no need
      Fill her children's heads with nonsense and that they're all upper class
      tell them they can get advanced degrees and then sit on their ass
      Our enemies know of the fights we've been in
      they fear our military, so they attack from within
      It seems to me that our next war will be a cyber war. The beginning of it is here today. The escalation is already building. A cyber war does not require a massive army or the expensive weapons that the pentagon has been having a love affair with for the last several decades. All it requires are some computers and an internet. The devastation can be just as bad as wars in the past and in the cyber war, America, its economy and its people will suffer far more than before. Electrical grids will fail, banks will be shut down, pipelines will burst, transportation will be shut down for lack of fuel, dams will be destroyed causing homes to be flooded and people will die by the thousands before it is over. All of this can be done by computer and we know that because the government has already tested and found it to be true.
      There are still nuclear weapons, more than would ever be needed, but nuclear weapons would assure mutual destruction of those countries involved, so I do not see that happening, unless there's some mad man out there who does not care about destroying the world.
      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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