Thursday, October 18, 2018

Super Powers 181018

      The picture above is from 1955. It is George Reeves in his costume used in the TV series "Superman". I cannot imagine any kid with a TV set did not watch the show. The show was great for the time. It was fun to watch and dream about and I think it had lessons for kids. It taught good manners, respect for others (except bad guys) and showed right from wrong.
      I thought it would be so cool to be able to fly, to see through walls, to hear everything for a great distance, to be able to smash threw walls. Being able to fly still sounds like fun, but what about the other super powers? Would we really want to see through walls? I don't think so. We would be going down the avenue and seeing into everyone's homes. I don't think I want to see in a lot of homes and certainly not see some of the things they do in there. Hearing, I had a prescription a few years ago that had a side effect of making my ears ring. Most of the time people with ringing in the ears have trouble hearing over the inner ear noise. Since then my hearing has sharpened dramatically and it is terrible. I hear a faucet drip on the other side of the house. I hear tiny clicks I would never have heard before and it drives me crazy until I find what it is. If I am outside I hear things more than a block away. I can hear Joyce breathing 2 rooms and a hallway away. So the idea of super hearing does not sound good to me. Breaking through walls, with that kind of strength, it would be so easy to crush someone you just wanted to hug. You might crush a glass of beer just picking it up. Now being superman, it wouldn't even cut your hand, but the horror of an ice cold draft of beer wasted all over the floor, makes me shiver even thinking about that.
      Do you know why super man never had sex with Lois Lane? Think about what could happen during the thrusts of an orgasm. It boggles the mind doesn't it?
      Writing this I wondered what else George Reeves did before he became superman? His movie career only lasted 14 years from 1939 "Gone with the wind" to 1953 "From here to eternity". In that short window he was in 50 different movies. I heard once that after superman he was so type cast he couldn't go back to movies and get hired for anything else.

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