Monday, August 27, 2018

Universal Consciousness 180827

      I have been thinking lately about what people call the universal consciousness. I have written before about the power of a single thought. Every action across the world begins with a single thought. That single thought that creates the action can spread across the world as others see the result of that thought.
      Adolf Hitler had a thought when he was in a hospital for wounded German soldiers and Germany surrendered to the allies in WW-1. His thought of betrayal of the German government to its soldiers still fighting in the fields of France created a book, "Mein Kamph" which led him to gain control of the German government and that led to WW-2. All from a single thought.
      I am thinking about the thought process. We know that the mind works off electrical stimulation firing synapses in our brain. Pretty basic stuff on its surface, but here is where I begin to wonder. Any electrical action creates an electr0-mechanical field. The field in one brain is very tiny, although sometimes when we speak we can read the mind of someone we are speaking with and know what they are going to reply. There are 6 billion people around the world and everyone of them are having electrical energy flowing and creating a tiny field just as I am when I write this and you create as you read this. That makes me think there is a universal consciousness around the world and I am wondering how I could tap into that and begin to understand more about the world I live in and make me a better man.
      The downside of how our brain works is the fact it works off electrical energy. I have written before that we live in a world that is flooded with electrical-mechanical energy. It comes from radio waves, TV transmissions, cell phone energy, electric wiring in our homes that bombards our brains. Now with the advent of 5-G cell phone transmissions the energy will be even higher than before. Maybe that is why we have so many crazy people running around the world. Is it any wonder why people who want a weekend or week long retreat from their normal lives that they tend to go to outlying areas away from all the electrical energy that interacts with our brains?
      I wrote before that I watched a UTUBE video about the new 5-G internet that will soon be with us. We are presently using 4-G. 5-G uses higher frequency higher power to increase our internet speeds. The wavelength of 5-G is so tiny that our skin cells can absorb the radiation like an antenna. We will be microwaved, just like a microwave oven and we all know what happens in a microwave oven. To incorporate 5-G there will be small microwave stations every three houses, bringing high power radiation right to our homes. People in cities with tall buildings have already had 5-G stations on the roofs of apartment buildings and they are already getting sick from the radiation in the top floors of those buildings. 5-G has already caused skin and brain cancer in animals. The internet companies are putting out information saying there is no danger to 5-G, but scientists are saying the opposite. 5-G does not travel well or far due to the short wavelengths so that is the reason for higher power and thousands more transmitters and receivers every few houses. You can type in UTUBE 5-G dangers on google and find out a lot about the dangers.

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