Friday, August 3, 2018

Thoughts while waiting for the doctor 180803

      The surveillance picture below pro-ports to the George Orwell book listed below in the last paragraph.

      I had some time waiting for the doctor on Thursday, so I had my pad and pen out jotting down some notes. They vary considerably, so here they are in a sequential order.
      An old Buddhist master had a dream one night, he was a butterfly flitting from one flower to another. When he woke up he wondered if he was a man dreaming about being a butterfly or if he was a butterfly dreaming he was a man?
      In our true nature are we a man who dies and becomes a spirit or are we a spirit who becomes a man?
      Garden Party I love this song because of the the lyric "you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself" the link is to a UTUBE video of Ricky Nelson singing the song. It speaks volumes of life today.
      We live in what we call a 3 dimensional world, but scientists are figuring out that there are more than the 3 dimensions we realize, so how many more are there? The other dimensions can co-exist with us and we do not even realize it.
      Brains and beauty, is there anything better in the universe?
      Is time really as important as it seems to us? People lived for centuries before the first clock was invented. Pope Gregory in the 12th century created a calendar and it showed that our time span was a year off from reality. People went crazy and wanted to burn the pope at the stake because they thought his calendar change cost them a year off their lives. So how important is a time clock or a calendar?
      George Orwell's book 1984 was first published in 1949. The Cliff's notes are in the link above. The book may be one of the most prophetic of all time. If you read it you will see how very close his fiction has come to reality. We are almost there today. In his book he wrote about Big Brother who was the ultimate ruler who when he spoke it was law. There were surveillance cameras everywhere (even in your TV so Big Brother's secret thought police could watch you while you were in your domicile. They tracked everyone's movements and even conversations and thoughts during the conversions. News speak controlled all information and the information was all Big Brother's propaganda. The three super powers were Eastasia (China), Eurasia (The Soviet Union (Russia)), and Oceania ( The US, UK and allies). Big Brother controlled the constant wars and who fought against who. Sometimes during the same day Big Brother would switch between who was the enemy and who was the ally. To understand that you need to realize that while the big three are not contesting each other directly, they are fighting wars like Syria today or in the African countries and previously Vietnam and the Korean war. The US with its counter terrorism wars right now is fighting in 76 countries. we can see that George Orwell's book is coming true. Even the phrase "Double Speak" used today is from Orwell's book. If you are not into reading big books, read Orwell's book "Animal Farm" you can read it in an afternoon. It is very enlightening. I read it in 1965, but it is a showcase for what is happening today and I still remember the crux of it today.

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