Saturday, August 4, 2018

World War Three

      World War 1 started when Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated in September of 1914. World War 2 started in September of 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Our own 9/11 war on terror started in September of 2001. One might get the idea that the worst wars start in September and if my calendar is correct, there is a September every year. This September is just one month away.
      World War 3 has already started, but in a very different way so far. World War 3 may be a cyber war or a more conventional war. It is cyber at this moment, but it may well change in the future. Historians will argue about when it all started for many years. It may be a difficult thing to prove when it actually started. My thinking is when the Stuxnet worm virus was released, (ostensibly by the US and Israel) on Iran in November of 2007, destroying Iran's nuclear centrifuges. There may or will be other events to argue over, like the Russian intervention into our 2016 elections, but they have been doing the same things in Europe for a decade or longer. It could be argued that the Chinese hacking of our military computer systems and our military contractor's computers and our nuclear labs has been a cyber war. The Russian's are now actively working to interfere in our 2018 elections. It could be the Russian hacking into our electrical grid, (which they have already done) and they can shut down our country's electrical grid at any time they desire. Think about no electric in the entire country, how would we survive? What happens when they shut down our electric system and then send in a wave of nuclear armed bombers and missiles during the blackout. And the Chinese are building up their naval strength to take over the east and south China seas and all that is in those seas as far away as the Philippines. In 2006 a Chinese sub surfaced undetected 5 miles in front of a US carrier task force led by the USS Kitty Hawk and in October of 2015 a Chinese submarine tailed the USS Ronald Reagan in the seas off Japan with Russian torpedoes that could have sunk the aircraft carrier and it then surfaced in the middle of a US battle task force, just to let the US know they can sink a carrier any time they want to. Apparently our advanced sonar is not advanced enough.
      Just now Iran is planning its largest naval exercises in the gulf of Hormuz. They have been harassing the Us navy for more than 2 decades now in the gulf and it is possible this will start a big war. The US has declared since early 1990 that oil coming out of Hormuz is of vital interest to us and allies and we will do whatever is necessary to defend traffic in the gulf. Hold onto your hats, this cyber war may just become World War 3 in a more standard way.

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