Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Thoughts for today 180807

      I have noted before that every morning there is a song riff in my head when I awake. This morning's song riff is from the 1969 song "Good Morning Starshine" by the group Strawberry Alarm Clock. Where the hell that came from in in deep reaches of my brain, I do not know, but it keeps banging around like an alarm clock in my head. I hope tomorrow's song is different.
      My mother was a little girl during the great depression (don't know what was great about that). Families were out of work and one year my grandpa walked over to O'Fallon park in Saint Louis and picked up a bundle of sticks, took them home and made a beautiful little barn to display the nativity set they had. He nailed each little log together and shellacked it so it had a shine to it. That little barn was under our Christmas tree until 1978 when mom and dad moved to California. After they were both departed I asked all of my siblings what happened to it. No one admitted that they knew what happened to it. Yesterday we were playing some Christmas instrumental music and I thought of it again. I miss that small symbol of Christmas every year. It must be somewhere other than fixed in my memories of many wonderful Christmases.
      Yesterday I watched a UTUBE video about the new 5-G internet that will soon be with us. We are presently using 4-G. 5-G uses higher frequency higher power to increase our internet speeds. The wavelength of 5-G is so tiny that our skin cells can absorb the radiation like an antenna. We will be microwaved, just like a microwave oven and we all know what happens in a microwave oven. To incorporate 5-G there will be small microwave stations every three houses, bringing high power radiation right to our homes. People in cities with tall buildings have already had 5-G stations on the roofs of apartment buildings and they are already getting sick from the radiation in the top floors of those buildings. 5-G has already caused skin and brain cancer in animals. The internet companies are putting out information saying there is no danger to 5-G, but scientists are saying the opposite. 5-G does not travel well or far due to the short wavelengths so that is the reason for higher power and thousands more transmitters and receivers every few houses. You can type in UTUBE 5-G dangers on google and find out a lot about the dangers.

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