Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Here's today's events 180808

      Today's song all day was "Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer"by the great Nat Cole. I don't know why or where these things come at the moment I awake every morning.
      I was listening to country music this afternoon and that reminded me of Doug Culwell my old navy buddy I have written about before. I remembered the day we got to visit up in Red Feather Lakes. We arrived and had a few beers and Doug said, "Let's take a drive around so you can see the area." So we grabbed another beverage (as Doug called alcohol) hopped into his truck, Doug, me, Joyce and his wife Mary. Doug said, "we need some road music." Mary said, "anything but Johnny Cash." Doug put in the Johnny Cash CD and he and I sang "I got stripes" with the CD. I don't know which was worse for the girls, the CD or our singing with it.
      The music I listened to today and like the best is "Jackson Strait Buffet live at Texas stadium" it is the best CD ever and now you can download the MP3 album for a paltry 99 cents from Amazon with the link above.
      Last thing, one of my few regrets, I regret I never made enough money to buy Joyce a big house including a professional kitchen with a huge stove and a refrigerator that could hold many cases of beer so we could have entertained friends back when Joyce was able to do that. It would have been a lot of fun with some legendary parties that would have lasted all weekend long. Maybe a big swimming pool would have worked too.

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