Saturday, August 25, 2018

The best things in life

      There was a popular song, "the best things in life are free." It was written by Buddy DeSilva and Lew Brown with music by Ray Henderson for the 1927 musical "Good News." The song was revived in 1947-1950 and since has been covered by a host of performers, too many for me to list, but this link has the list. Here is Sinatra's version of the best things in life are free. Supposedly the best things are family, hugs, smiles, laughter, memories.
      Those things are what other people say, but while I may agree on some level, those things may not be the best things in life and may not, are not necessarily true. If I may perhaps defend my position, I will go forth. Family, now some may have delightful families all filled with love, I have 5 siblings, only 1 of them have spoken to me or have seen me since 2005 and it is not clear to me why, so family is not the best thing in life to me with the exception of the 1. Hugs, do we really want hugs from just anyone? I think not, certainly not from a stranger in an elevator, so scratch that idea. Smiles, now that can go either way. We all have had people smile at us in a bad situation, like when we protest a bad situation and the boss smiles at us and says, "That's the way it is." Laughter, this happens frequently when we say something stupid or we do something really dumb, everyone laughs at our mistake. Memories, if you are human, you have a few or a lot of bad memories.
      Now I think women are the best thing in life (Some would disagree), women make us happy, women give us birth, women are admirable creatures, they are hard workers, they are nice to look at, they are smart, they have strength beyond what most men ever realize, but they are never free. I am reminded of my navy days when sailors would brag about their girlfriends who always paid their way for everything, yet these same men were always needing to borrow money. Let's face the facts here, after the first hello, a man is reaching into his pockets to entertain or support his endeavors with a woman. I am not saying I ever minded doing that, but the idea of a woman being free is not true. Sometimes the reverse is true with a woman supporting a man; it goes both ways. Beer is one of the best things in life, but far from being free. Me sitting here writing on my computer is one of the best things in life for me, you may not agree with that and the computer costs money and the internet costs money for all of us. The act of sex with someone you love is always one of the best things in life, but there is monetary cost involved with that no matter how it comes to be.
      Sunshine is free, a 75 degree day is free. Beyond that I cannot think of any other things at the moment.

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