Saturday, July 7, 2018

New Game 1807

      We went to Walmart this morning; we don't go there all the time, just every other day. After pushing the cart to the car I had to shove it into those lanes in the parking lot with the bars on the side. I generated just enough force to propel the cart all the way to the end and bump the gate there. That is tricky when the lane is empty because if I use too much force it will pop the spring on the gate open and the cart can protrude out the other side. That gave me an idea for a new game for old people. Everyone knows about the game of horseshoes and that can be a dangerous game if you are too close to the pin when the opposite side is trying to toss a ringer on the peg and the horseshoe bounces in your direction . There is another game called Bocce Ball which is popular in Europe. My game would be similar and definitely for older people, but with shopping carts. The idea would be to give the cart a shove and hit the spring loaded gate at the far end, but not push it open. Subsequent players would then push carts to knock the first cart through the gate and leave their cart in its place. Those who ended up blocking the lane would win the points if their cart remained closest to the gate, but not through it by more than 6 inches. The reward for winning would be a 12 pack of fine beer. You know I would be there for that.
      When we make our occasional casino trips the casino usually always has some kind of prizes or drawings for being there playing the games, so why not Walmart? When we go to Aldis to shop they have this thing where you put a quarter into a slot and the cart is released and then you get your quarter back when you return the cart. I have found lately that a lot of people either do not know how to do that or they just don't bother to retrieve the quarter. So I get a free cart and pick up some extra change. Our local laundromat has a half price discount on washing machine cost on the slow days, so we get a prize there too. I am wondering if Walmart doesn't need some new, thinking out of the box guy, say about 73 years old who lives nearby to solve some of their issues. I know the first thing I would do is stop the practice of jacking up the regular price on an item by 20% and then a week later rolling back the price by 10%. I don't know how to describe that; is it marketing or is it cheating? That is one game I would stop playing.
      I just spent 45 minutes writing this post. I am hoping it doesn't suck as much as I think it might, but I hate to trash it. It seemed a lot funnier in my head.

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