Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cyber Attack 1807

      On July 3rd a bi-partisan senate intel committee released a report stating that Russian government hackers interfered in the 2016 election. That is a problem, but that is not the major problem to me. The Russian hackers are still at work and that is my concern. We have no doubt that it happened, the senate committee confirmed what everyone already knew. My concern is that it was so easy for them to do it and I think that the Russians and more important the Chinese hacked into US government and business sites here. The Chinese are known to have stolen intellectual and defense data from the US for at least since 2002. They were at it a decade before that. What really scares me is that they are also known to have gotten into our electrical grid. That and hacking into our financial institutions could be a devastating issue. They could send the country into a crisis and create a major depression if all of our nation's financial data were to be shut down and erased. How would we ever recover? The actual dollars would be in banks, but with no information on how much you had in a bank, no bank would just start handing out funds to keep you going. Even your paychecks couldn't be paid out because that information is most likely handled by one of the financial institutions and they would not know how much to put in your check. Department stores and grocery stores would not be able to get at their money so they could continue to get products to fill the stores. Think about how much cash you have in your pocket. That is what you would have to support yourself until things got worked out, if ever. The one possible benefit is that your mortgage would be erased along with your bank account.
      I believe that hackers are more dangerous at this time than the threat of nuclear weapons. A nuke will end your problem immediately, a hack would go on indefinitely.
      Suppose for a minute if the electric grid was shut down and in the confusion a nuclear attack followed soon after. We would only have capabilities to defend ourselves as long as backup generators could supply power and even then if the hack was still in force it would shut down the grid immediately.
      Sleep well tonight, knowing all is well and all is safe while you are sleeping, or is it?

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