Friday, July 13, 2018

Living Life 1807

This is a 49 to a 51 Studebaker I believe. I have always loved Studebaker and had a 55 that was awesome! A good friend had a 51 and it was so sweet. They were cars well ahead of the big three, GM, Ford and Chrysler, but the big 3 managed to put them out of business eventually by cutting off the parts supply to Studebaker as the big 3 controlled parts manufacturing back then.

      This below is a 1955 Studebaker Commander which was my first car. I loved this thing. Look at how sleek they were. The design was immediately followed by Ford and Chrysler and somewhat by Chevrolet. I loved that car so much that when my then girlfriend said I needed to trade the Studebaker for a Chevy, I made a trade, not to a Chevy but to a new girlfriend.

      I try not to live in the past, but most of my life is past. I try to focus on today and the moment because that is all I know for sure is what I have. That said, today is no fitness center and it's beer drinking day. Let tomorrow be for removing calories ingested today. It is interesting to me how my brain chemistry works and I do not mean what happens after 3 beers. I wake up every morning so far and I know in the first minutes what kind of day it will be. I have tried to consider what I had to eat or drink the day before and there seems to be no correlation to a happy day or a sad day. I do not think I am manic-depressive because I do not have any days where I am super elated and I don't have days when I am super depressed, as those are symptoms of manic-depressives. Like everything else in my entire life, I am just at the median point. I am not smarter, not dumber, not better, not worse than most on the planet.
      As I have said before, I have always been the 76% man. Going back in time when grades were, A or B or C or D or F. If I remember correctly, 76% was comparable to a C. My entire life I have risen at jobs until I was again 76% and never got much further.
      Today kids are so smart, I wonder if I were to go back in time, after I am gone, if I could even measure up to them? Maybe I would be a D grade instead of a C. Hell I could be an F, but I do not like to think about that.
      Our future is in our children and grandchildren today and I pray they will be as good as I think they will be. Time will tell and I hope to be here to see that, but if I am not, I have had a wonderful life just being a C grade man, a 76% guy.

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