Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Second post June 5 1806, read first post before this one

      This second post makes more sense after reading the first post today. I was reading some Washington Post stories today after I posted the first post about android robots and this story just appeared. It was about robots made for sex. I typed a search on google images sex robots and the first thing I saw was a factory in San Marcos, California.Now there is one new thing made in the USA. There are something like 49 pictures of workers making these things. I only went through far enough to get a picture that would pass on Facebook and was not too offensive for some folks. What I did see along the way was that a person can design his/her own robot with features to suit one's taste. Guys will like the patriotic side of this, because they are made by craftsmen in the USA.
      Now women of the world may see this as a good thing, let me explain. Some men are really only interested in a woman for sex. Those men will soon be buying these robots and then women will be less pestered by rude, crude guys and then when a man engages a woman she can feel he is interested in all of her, not just her organs.
      Seeing the loose parts on benches was not appealing to me at all, but there was some interesting notes with them. Right now it takes these craftsmen up to a year to make one of these robots and if you go through a way you will be shocked and amazed at what you see and read. Some of the other links below the one I looked at had even more options listed.

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