Monday, June 18, 2018

Old navy days and women 1806

      The picture is Joyce in San Diego 1966.

      Every so often the old navy in me kicks in and it's "clean sweep down fore and aft" and then the swab (navy term for a mop) hits the deck to clean things up.
      During the great depression (that's certainly an oxymoron) the army was reduced to just 100,000 men. There were so many men who needed jobs and the army was not expanding. The navy was a popular alternative and the navy had its pick of recruits. The navy preferred that its recruits be farm boys from Ohio, Oklahoma and out in Montana because they were used to a harsh life. While these boys had never seen a ship in their lives, they were the navy's pick because they were hard workers.
      I am sitting here drinking beer with Joyce, something I rarely do. Okay I am giggling as I write this because I drink the beer every day. That said I feel so lucky to have a woman I love after 54 years and a woman that is a better human being than I am. Having someone to love is the greatest thing this life has to offer. I have never met a woman that I didn't like in one way or another, except for the one who kicked me in the nuts when I was just a lad. Without women there would be no men. I have always admired older women, perhaps because they seem to have figured out the mysteries of life and seem to have such great understanding of how life is. After all, women are the givers of life. They know that there is always a tomorrow, unless there is no tomorrow and if there is no tomorrow, then there is no need to worry about that.

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