Sunday, June 17, 2018

B-29 flies again 1806

      This link is to a video of a B-29 resurrected from the Arizona graveyard; it was restored and did fly again. The video shows the old plane (named "Doc") looking like a junk pile in the desert prior to the restoration and then with the loving hands of these old men who once worked on them during the Korean war or World War 2 finally took to the air once more as a living, fire-breathing instrument of war. It is now in the Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C. The Smithsonian must be one huge museum.
      This is in my estimation the most beautiful and most advanced propeller bomber we ever made. The B-29 was not without its problems though. Its engines were not terrifically reliable and were under-powered. Not a good thing for a long range bomber designed to take off with heavy loads of bombs and fly long distances to deliver its payload.
      Those B-29's had to take off from Tinian and Saipan to drop bombs over Japan. That was a 3000 mile round trip. Many of them took of from the Tinian runway and fell into the Pacific due to engine problems when gaining altitude. The problem was such that when the "Enola Gay" (named after the pilot's mother) took off to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima there was a navy captain on board to arm the bomb after they were in the air and away from Tinian because had the bomb been armed before takeoff and the plane crashed into the nearby sea it would have taken Tinian off the map and the army could not take that chance.

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