Monday, June 18, 2018

China's Wilderness

      I was watching a series on Netflix titled "Wild China"; it is quite good and I am amazed at how beautiful China is outside the urban areas. Last night the episode included a wild alligator reserve. I did not even know China had alligators. They must be tasty because they have been hunted to near extinction, hence the need for the reserve to repopulate the gators. There was a skinny old retired farmer volunteering there and he was sitting on a large flat rock by the edge of a large pond, calling the alligators over so he could hand feed them. I thought to myself that is not a good thing to do. The alligator that came up to him was bigger than the old man.
      As I started this post I wanted an image of an alligator, so I typed into Google "image hand feeding alligators" it turned out there are hundreds of images of people doing that. I browsed through them and there are a lot of crazy people right here in the USA doing that. One image shows a gator with the arm of one of those crazy men in its jaws.
      I assume there is a huge adrenaline rush doing that, but I do not think that is a smart thing to do, but maybe that is just me. I sometimes watch "Swamp People" on the history channel and those gator hunters seem just a might on the strange side, but there is good money doing it. Another show I saw had a woman doing some kind of sacred ritual in India. She had to kiss the head of a king cobra not once, but three times. The cobra would spit at her after she kissed its head. I have read just the spit can blind a person. That one gave me a nightmare. It would seem that there is a lot of crazy shit going on all around us.

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