Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Old Age 1806

      Old age is a very confusing thing. My memories come floating back at odd times. Some are wonderful, some are not. I think about all the experiences I have had, the things I have done and the things I wish I had done, they both can be bittersweet at times.
      One thing I enjoy is being able to say things that I never would have said before to young adults I meet, usually in the form of a double entendre. I enjoy seeing the looks on their faces as they wonder if I know what I just said to them. The thing I don't enjoy is the aches and pains that I live with. I feel like a seventies car with 150,000 miles on it. I can still get from here to there, but not as fast as when I was a new model. Because this is my first time being old I do not know what may be normal and what may not be normal. I can still learn new things, but cannot learn as fast as I once did. Some things, like my own blog posts, are new to me every time I reread them. Other things I instantly remember forever, however long that turns out to be. I am not sad over this turn of events, but rather just accept whatever comes day by day. I suppose I could get mad about things, but what good would that do? I know I have more wisdom at this point than I did many years ago, but who do I share it with? So many of the things I learned by experience may have no value these days because the times have changed, people have changed. Where once I would offer advice, now I hesitate to do so, because my advice may be irrelevant to the times. The worst thing is, I know what I know and I also know there is so much I know nothing about at all. One thing I am sure of is that our future will be determined by the young adults of today. They are smart, educated and will be running things soon. I ask those of you who have young children to treat them well and remember that what you do teaches them right from wrong, not what you tell them.
      Oh, now I have to end my preaching and climb down from my soapbox. It seems somehow higher off the ground than it once was and therefore more dangerous. Live well and enjoy life my friends. Love those you can and be nice to the others. You never know which ones will have to take care of you.

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