Monday, June 11, 2018

1000th post 180611

      This is my 1000th blog post since 2006, when I started with just 3 that year. It has recently scanned pictures that bring back memories for me. In the first picture, I can hardly remember my mother being so young. I can tell it is from summer of 1963 and it is my mother, my sister Joan, sister Marion, brother Rob, sister Grace. The siblings are lined up from youngest on mom's lap to oldest. I do not know where my brother Tom may have been and I was not there either. The picture is old and my grandfather had to have taken the picture because my father never held a camera in his lifetime. I wonder now if I should have been one of those forensic detectives? I might have been good at it. Seeing this picture, I think my mother was still a good looking woman at 42 years old and after having all of us children.

      This is another picture I had not seen before. It is me, Joyce and our daughter. It has to have been taken at Christmas time 1968 and is in the house I was raised in. Even the wall behind the couch had been fixed. Originally there was an open arch there as a pass through from the living room to the dining room, but when mom kept making more babies (with dad's help) the dining room became a bedroom and then there was another bedroom added to the old house. That wall was covered with sheet rock, but did not get painted for years.

      This last picture is our daughter on Coronado beach near the Del Coronado hotel. A person would never see anything like that again, because these days that beach is packed with residents from Coronado.


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