Sunday, June 24, 2018

New Guy 1806

      There's a new man in our lives these days. His name is Arthur Itis. He comes in not as a friend and more of a liability. He haunts us every day. Sometimes we don't even see him, but he is there. He has cursed us with aches and pains. You may know him too. The man is evil in his nature and he preys on old people. Once he wheedles his way into our lives with stories of the glory of growing old and we fall for that, he has us in his grasp and he never lets go. Sometimes he has a free moment but never uses it to rest. Instead he goes out and snags a young person, even an innocent child at times. He must be stopped, but there is no way at this time to do that. Perhaps if this state does like Colorado and legalizes weed we may try that and if it works, we may not give a damn about Arthur Itis. I have heard it has healing powers. We have never tried it before, but if legalized, we may be willing to learn.

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