Saturday, June 23, 2018

First it was...1806

       Maybe this is all because I am an old, sentimental Irishman, I do not know, but here is what I see.
      During his campaign and and early presidency He was against all Muslims, then black people, then Latins, then the handicapped, then the LGPT community, then the free press and now the liberals.
      I have tried not to be political for years now. I feel like Al Pachino in one of the godfather movies (maybe #3) when he said I try to get out, but then they drag me back in.
      How long will it be before the concentration camps he has told the Air Force and the Navy to build before he starts filling them with people like me? This is what Hitler did in Germany, what Mussolini did in Italy, what the Japanese secret police did in Japan.
      Will there be another civil war here? Will my friends on the right allow this to happen? Will my granddaughter be taken away from me?
      I cannot imagine the brave men in our military fighting against their own brothers today, but during the first civil war brothers fought against brothers and families were torn apart. It is my supreme hope our military today does not have to make that decision to persecute their brethren or to stand firm against that order. I quote Edmund Burke "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I am at this point old and have not the strength to do little more than write this post, but I hope there are a few good men out there to stop this insanity.

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