Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fresh Foods 1806

      I was thinking what a wonderful thing we have these days. We have fresh fruits year round. This was not the case years ago. Back then fruits showed up only when they were in season. Bananas are not commercially grown in America and I marvel at how they get here at just the right time to fill the shelves in grocery stores. We know that bananas go from ripe to rotten in a short time and yet they are transported on ships which takes a while to get to the store, but they are there at just the right time for us, all year long and they are the least expensive fruit I know of these days.
      The first bananas came to the US in 1870, from Jamaica. Bananas are native to Asia (did not know that before today) now most bananas come to us from the Caribbean and south America. These days many fruits and other foodstuffs come here from far away and are available for most of the year if not all year. One of my favorites, Avocados seem to be in the store most of the time. Oranges are a yearly crop here, but they are available from other countries just about every day.
      I suppose what I am saying is, it's the little things that makes life sweet.

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