Friday, June 15, 2018

Chinese Cyber Hackers 1806

      The Chinese cyber hackers have been stealing US military secrets for decades now. The Chinese aircraft carrier below was bought from the Ukraine. The Chinese just launched another they built in 2017 along the same lines. The Chinese have ripped off (hacked) our missile technology, aircraft technology and nuclear technology for many years.

       Now they are working on an 80,000 ton super carrier. Compare the model of the new one below to the one above. How do they go from WW-2 technology to the technology of the 80,000 ton carrier below of the 80,000 in a few short years without technology hacked and stolen from the US?

      Recently a navy contractor in Connecticut has been breached by Chinese cyber hackers and 614 giga-bytes of secret (top Secret?) data has been stolen, see below:

      The data involved could hamper if not cripple the ability of US submarines to operate undetected in the China seas and hamper their effectiveness in case of war. As far as I know at this time, US navy surface ships are not operating in the China seas, perhaps due to the US not wanting to provoke China. I doubt electronic surveillance aircraft are operating there either. I get the idea that submarines have taken over most of that important work these days.
      It seems to me the most important national security function we need to accomplish is cyber security, but I do not get the impression we are doing much about that or this would not have happened. We seem to be more focused on monitoring every phone call in the entire country. That may stop a terror attack, which is important, but is it not more important to be able to save our ability to deter or win a nuclear war? Terror attacks can take a few or a few thousand lives, nuclear attacks take out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives. Our ability to have a nuclear deterrent keeps us from having a nuclear war, but if an enemy knows our capabilities, they can thwart our ability to retaliate and thereby make them more liable to attack us and fear no response. That is how I see the situation.

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