Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ideas 1806

      I was thinking today about ideas. As I have said before every thing begins with a simple idea. Facebook, which is something everyone knows about began with an idea, not Zuckerberg's, but he turned it into the huge organization it is. Facebook had a market value of 65 billion dollars in 2017 according to Forbes. It was just a simple idea at some point. The idea was from the man pictured above, his brother and a third man. The wrangling and fussing over who did what and who deserves what is not terribly interesting to me. It is the idea that started it all.
      Robert Karnes was the man who had an idea to invent the intermittent windshield wiper system in 1964. He patented it on December 1, 1964. He tried to interest the Big Three Automakers in his invention. They were not interested, but they all began to use it illegally in 1969. The automakers tied him up in court for decades, before finally paying him for his invention.
      The lesson here is, I believe, follow your dream, your idea, but be careful about whom you share it with. The real idea men here were ripped off.

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